JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary's Proposals on the Amendment of the Constitution

The Judiciary made a list of proposed amendments to the Constitution\r\nwhich will seek to rise the retirement age for Judges. The new proposed\r\namendments, which are to be incorporated in the Constitutional Amendment Bill,\r\nwere submitted to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Maj. Gen\r\nKahinda Otafire, on May 16, 2014 for Cabinet consideration.


The Judiciary recommended that the retirement age of the\r\nSupreme Court, Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court Justices be raised from\r\nthe current 70 to 75. The Judiciary also proposed that a High Court Judge\r\nretires at 70 years, contrary to the current retirement age of 65 in a bid to\r\nenhance delivery of justice.


The Judiciary’s rationale that the retirement of Judges\r\nat the current age limits leaves the country with a burden of recruiting and\r\ntraining new judges who hardly serve for 10 years before hitting the retirement\r\nage.

Judiciary Proposals the Amendments the Constitution

Posted 11th, July 2014
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